Monday, February 7, 2011

Watch Behind The Green Door Streaming


wish I had known when I studied the existence of Hundertwasser , but none of my teachers ever told me about it. It was not until well finished my studies in the Faculty of Fine Arts on a trip to Vienna when I discovered the work of this unique artist and since then I fell in love with his work and I started researching it. Not if you know that the header image on my page is a piece of a painting by this artist.

actually called Hundertwasser Friedrich Stowasser and was Jewish. If not were the calamities of the Jewish holocaust what caused this child then decides to see the colorful life, but what is certain is that his art is a statement of intent. Hudertwasser was a painter, sculptor, designer of buildings, clothing, stamps, environmental activist .... All his work is characterized by its rejection of the straight line, the love of the spiral, color and nature.

want to research on the net a bit about this character sui generis. Find information on "theory of the five skins Hundertwasser and on the" Hundertwasser houses. " Once steeped in its philosophy will propose a lot of fun.


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