Monday, March 21, 2011

2010 I Never Wear Panties


garlic To .
20/11 ( crescent)

After last year's mistakes, let's try to see if this year are better.
First I compared 3kg (53cabezas) of garlic in the weekly market in my town.
3 In the patch where it had previously
beans ... I have opened a trench about 10cm deep. I well watered ...

I put the garlic (whole heads), about 40cm away.
Among the heads of garlic, I have thought of planting a mixture of wheat and barley, green manure and have then padded green mass.
After the trench plugs with dry earth.

the temperature down and it rains quite interchangeably.

4 / 12
Wheat and barley are already sprouting, I have spread a thin layer of compost badly decomposed.
9 / 1
garlic have already begun to sprout, but because I think the rains have rotted some heads.

garlic sprouting among the wheat.

These are the few tender with garlic planted wheat plants at the moment I do not see that this fact will harm them, however I think it protects them from the sun, and thus develop the stem longer being forced to seek the light.
As spring is here .. also her "Bad herbs", but for me no problem, as and when booting the ire dejamdo padding. to the right of the row of corn and garlic, and herbs I have planted among the onions.

Here the garlic.

For Dry garlic .

9/1/2011. (Crescent moon)
Today I planted the garlic to dry, I wanted to seed a few days if any waning moon, but personal circumstances that are irrelevant, I have delayed planting date, so I had to do with crescent moon. This is is patch for it.

Since I had that time to the maximum dose to catch up ...
thread I have not. I've been doing trebolillo holes about 15 cm from each other ... in each hole I put a clove of garlic ...
I planted three kinds of garlic, some brought from Asturias white, they had already begun to germinate. 1 kg, bought expressed mind to plant, these purple, more expensive than those purchased for consumption in the weekly market about two kilos too purple.

I plugged the garlic a bit and then I spread a layer of straw, the idea is to throwing more hay as they grow garlic.


These are planted to head to this day .


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