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is why below I present the first attempt at the Health Center; SKILLS FOR LIFE AND MUSIC , to be located in the town of Nabasanuka , Manuel Renaud Parish, Township Antonio Diaz the Edo . Delta Amacuro .
is a medium-level building, which forms a half high level and in total, arranged in such a way that ensures a climate agreement with the environment, besides providing transparency in the various activities performed therein, ensuring continuous monitoring in all areas allowing visual and physical freedom of the Indians there attending the natural habitat, thus transforming a Janoko familiarly known.
The first level or at dock, so named because this area will be used as mixed-use, since the structure can be placed both on land and in water-bearing zone or into the water and hence the name spring level, this area in addition to serving on arrival, can be used as workshop class, improvised hammocks bedroom, dining and other uses of meeting in accordance with the flexible programming of the center.
Once you reach this level we are in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe building with an open space for three half levels, which we can immediately identify the center's activities. Mid-level rising, we reached the soul of the building such as classrooms, including a large multipurpose room, which can be divided as required, with separations flexible and light, to form small or large classrooms and workshops.

Going up another half level, we find the Office of the center, able to have two executive desks and a conference table for four people, plus shelves and file. Continuing along the corridor are the health of both men and a lady like shower area, for those teachers who stay in place.

At that level there is the library. Small space to provide support to students attending and bound small center of its publications as a reward for their skills.

This corridor of communication at this level extends to both ends of the building, as it can serve as a bridge to link with the community, because most of the villages, use this type of pile-type movement, which integrate more with the community Center.

Going up another half level, the last bone, which conform floor and a half, we reached the rest area of Teachers, which includes two rooms for three beds each and a sitting area, TV for rest and passive activity.

entire building will be built in wood, which abounds in the area, minus the foundation structure between water and air, which will drain water-resistant concrete with submerged mangrove pilotines. This will hold a reforestation plan for the native species that exceeds the percentage of used materials from local sawmills and exploitation supported and guided by the relevant authorities. The closings will
based romanilla of artisans and swing, to ensure wide-open spaces and ventilated, allowing air to pass through light and integration with the surrounding area. Offenders will be mixed or partition romanilla light, privacy as required.

spaces will be high, so that the hot mass product of the student population, without compromising the internal enclosures and can escape easily due to the large openings at its highest .
This building is designed in addition to technology services they are, to be self-sufficient and be a pioneer in harvesting rainwater and forwarded to both filtered (primary and final - see rainwater) and the provision required the locals having to produce over this building, by extension of their roofs collection, as there is a project of potable water by the governmental entity, another point is to dispose of wastewater to Biodigestores final collection and treatment through plantations of Bora-Bora, plant abundant water in the area that serves as a final filter to finally return treated water. The solids generated are stored, so that complete the implementation of anaerobic decomposition effect, which will result in a final material rich in nutrients for growing vegetables and tubers in the place, besides being able to take advantage of this decomposition gases (methane gas) as fuel for stoves, evaporators water pipes to make them suitable for consumption by rural mechanisms, simple and low maintenance.
Finally will be the first prototype of a fully adaptable to the environment building and classified each of its parts so it can be crowded as a kit, according to the number of students to attend and therefore as an infrastructure to support other activities health grounds that may contribute to the welfare of the population, as the main north Institute of Biomedicine.
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