
- Intangibility: services are essentially intangible. It is often not possible to taste, feel, see, hear or smell before they buy services. You can search in advance opinions and attitudes, a repeat purchase may rest on previous experience, the customer can give you something tangible to represent the service, but ultimately the purchase of a service is the acquisition of something above intangible.De follows that the intangible is the definitive characteristics that distinguishes products and intangible services means both palpable as a mental thing. These two aspects explain some of the features that separate the product marketing services.
- Inseparability services often can not separate the person of the seller. One consequence of this is that the creation or service may occur at the same time as its consumption, either the partial or total. Goods are produced, then sold and consumed while services are sold and then produced and consumed usually simultaneously. This has great significance from the standpoint of practical and conceptual, in fact, has traditionally been distinguished clearly functions within the enterprise as well separated, with certain interrelations between them usually at the level of coordination and transfer of information used as input for one or the other, but here we see more of a merger coordination, the service production staff, in many cases, the seller and / or interact more directly with the client or user as it makes use of the Service ("consume"). Recall that in manufacturing generally the production crew and the production process itself does not involve direct interaction with the consumer
- Heterogeneity is often difficult to achieve standardization of services output, because each "unit." Provision of a service may be different from other "units." Moreover, it is easy to ensure the same level of production from the point of view of quality. Also, from the viewpoint of customers is difficult to judge quality before purchase.
- perishability Services are likely to perish and can not be stored. Moreover, some services may aggravate the changing demand characteristics of perishability of the service. Key decisions be taken on what maximum level of capacity should be available to meet demand before they suffer the sales of services. Also have to pay attention to times of low use levels, the reserve capacity or policy option that balance short-term fluctuations in demand. Take the case, for example, in the capacity of a hotel versus a manufacturing company, the latter has greater flexibility to respond to increases in the quantity demanded of goods and may, in general, increase production shifts to meet her But, what happens in the case of a hotel when the number of passengers increases beyond the number of rooms you have?, what happens when far fewer who come to the hotel?.
- Property The lack of ownership is a basic difference between an industry of services and products industry, because a client can only access using a particular service. Payment is made by the use, access or lease of certain items.
- unique aspects of services that guide the formulation of marketing strategy services:
- a) The intangible nature of a service predominantly selection can make it harder to competitive bidding among consumers.
- b) When the producer of the service is inseparable from the service itself, it can locate the service and offer consumers a choice restringida.Los basic elements that make up a marketing strategy are related segmentation, positioning and marketing mix, marketing mix or blend comercial.Las segmentation and positioning phases of marketing strategy is basically the same for both goods and for services. Where differences do occur is in the elements that make up the mixture marketing.
- Positioning The service is correctly placed on the market is to make it more desirable, compatible, acceptable and relevant to the target segment, differentiating it from competitive offerings, ie providing a service that indeed perceived as "unique" by clientes.Un service, being well positioned, it makes perfectly identifies the segment with a series of desires and needs in their own value, causing the same degree of loyalty is higher and stronger compared to those offered by competitors.
- Current (ID) consists of determining the place where the service is currently based on the preferences and tastes of consumers, compared with competencia.b services) positioning stage can be approached from idealest two points of view:
- consumer Ideal Positioning: of determining what the consumer wants for the class of service offered.
- ideal position of the company, is to determine what the company wants to determine reflected as ideal service. Know is where the comparative advantages over its competitors from the current position (if applicable). C)
DeseadoConsiste Positioning in determining how to position the product or how to reach the ideal situation for consumers and businesses, which represent the road map for the development or design of the Marketing Mix Marketing Mix Marketing MixLa best known in the literature refers to the combination of four variables or basic elements to consider when making decisions regarding the planning of marketing strategy in an enterprise. These elements are: product, price, place and promotion (the four P from Product, Place, Price and Promotion.). This is the blend most used in the goods market.
Customer Relations in the marketing of services

Many companies fail to understand their customers precisely because his approach to relations with the customer is wrong. When companies focus on new customers easily fall into the trap of short-term promotions, price discounts or flashy ads that, while attracting customers are not enough to bring them back. This is because this type of promotion is to attract clients but not create image or positioning.
Furthermore, when companies begin to understand customers over time, with increasing depth, and are better prepared to respond to their changing needs and expectations. However it should be noted that companies should also focus on current customers, because their company is too focused on the needs and requirements of new customers, may lose existing customers because they no longer meets your needs.
Building customer relationships previously not a priority. Today customers with the advent of more informed, more educated and more demanding, this process is also more demanding on the attention of business executives. Now that technology allows clients to initiate and make their own transactions, a mechanism virtually without borders, without limits or barriers. The balance of power has swung to the customer.
management processes customer relationship should help the company acquire, hold and cultivate long-term, beneficial relationships with target customers.
Success in business today is based on building long term relationships with their customers. Hence, the current focus on meeting business customer, customer loyalty and management of customer relationships. Recognize the importance of customer relationships is not enough. It's really convenient to measure the strength of these relationships, especially when implementing marketing strategies.
benefits of client / company
Building and maintaining a loyal customer base, not only in the best interests of the organization, but also own customers benefit from long-term partnerships.
Customer benefits
Association long-term relationships with companies also provides customers with another class of benefits. Many times, more than the basic service attributes are the benefits of the relationship that maintain customer loyalty to a company.
There are different types of benefits that customers experience when they engage in long-term service, among which are:
· Benefit trust social
· Benefits
· Benefits arising from special treatment
Benefit trust
understand the feelings of security or confidence in the service provider, together with a sense of reduced anxiety and relief to know what to expect.
Human nature is such that most of us would prefer not to change service providers, particularly if we have made considerable investment in the relationship. When the service provider knows us is aware of our preferences and over time, then the change of supplier means to instruct the new provider in all of these factors. In fact, one of the things that cause anxiety and disruption to relocate to a new geographical area is the need to establish new relationships with service providers.
Almost all consumers must satisfy many competing demands for their time and money, which are continually seeking ways to enable them to balance and simplify decision-making with the aim of improving the quality of life.
Social Benefits
Over time, customers develop a sense of familiarity and even a social relationship with their service providers. Such links reduce the chance of them to change, even when they learn that a competitor could offer better quality or lower price. In some relationships
long-term customer / company service provider can change and become part of the social support system of the client. Such relationships can be developed for business to business customers and final consumers of service. The benefits of social support they derive this kind of relationships are important to quality of life of consumers beyond the technical benefits of the service provided.
D Benefits
Special treatment includes aspects such as the right to the benefit of the doubt, get a deal or price special or preferential treatment. Interestingly
special treatment benefits, although important, are less relevant than other kinds of benefits they also provide the service relationships. While it is clear that the benefits of special treatment can be crucial to customer loyalty in certain industries seem less important to customers in general.
Benefits to organizations
· Lower costs. Among the start-up costs associated with attracting new clients are: the costs of advertising and promotion, operation and establishment of accounts and systems, as well as time that means knowing your customer. Sometimes the initial cost may exceed the benefits expected from the new customer in the short term. From the standpoint of profits seems to be a strong incentive to keep new customers once the initial investment was made.
· Advertising Free by Means of Word of mouth communication. satisfied and loyal customers provide an undertaking strong support through word of mouth communication. This type of advertising can be more effective than any paid advertising that a company can use and has the added benefit of reducing the costs of attracting new customers.
· Withholdings from employees. It is easier for a company to retain its employees when it has a stable base of satisfied customers. People like working for companies whose customers happy and loyal. His works are more successful and they can devote more time to promote the relations to the struggle to win new customers. Because employees spend more time in the service quality is improved and costs reduced staff turnover, so that profits increase.
Factors influencing customer value over time
customer value over time is influenced by the average length of life as a client, average income that occurs during a relevant period, sales of additional products and services that take place over time and generating customer referrals over time. Sometimes the customer value during the lifetime of the company, at other times also considered the cost and value over time may mean really utility over time leaving a company.
One way of recording the monetary value of loyal customers is to calculate the increase in value or profits that accrue due to each client that remains in the company instead of going to the competition.
There is another approach to understanding the value of a customer over time, is to simply multiply the average dollar value of purchases through the client's life in a particular industry.
There are more complex systems to demonstrate the costs and the actual flow of profits over time, allowing companies to scientifically document the monetary value of their customers and retain costs. Seek a more complex calculation to estimate the monetary value of all benefits associated with a loyal customer and not just the flow of long-term income. The value of advertising is done through word of mouth communication, retention of employees, as well as reduced maintenance costs of the accounts.
Principles engagement strategies
Every organization must strike a balance between the needs of the customer and the company. If strikes the right balance will maximize your profitability.
Relationship Management (CRM) has become the goal of every organization dealing with customers and the sales pitch from a wide range of consulting and technology companies.
In today's competitive marketplace the need to strike the right balance between the customer and the business is more important than ever. Never have questioned the benefits of effective management of customer relationships, but the question is how to manage it effective.
specific retention strategies help us to maintain our current customers. There are three basic principles to focus on retention strategies:
• The quality of the basic service offered,
• The careful market segmentation and target market identification
• The continued monitoring of relationships.
retention strategies will be less favorable in the long term, unless they have a solid foundation of quality service and customer satisfaction on which to build.
Quality is achieved through the whole process of purchase, operation and evaluation of the services we provide. The degree of satisfaction experienced by the customer for all actions in which maintenance is at different levels and scope.
The best strategy for achieving customer loyalty is achieved by avoiding unpleasant surprises to customers for service failures and welcome surprise to customers when an unforeseen situation requiring our intervention to exceed your expectations. That is, the basis for improving service quality to be competitive in order to retain our customers.
Market segmentation and target market
Segmentation is also an effort to improve the accuracy of marketing a business. It is a process of aggregation: group in a niche market for people with disabilities similar.
The second of the basic principles of relationship marketing is market segmentation, ie, know and identify with whom the company wants to sustain relationships. At one end of the market are service companies (which historically have a number of clients, which are so important) that treat their customers as individuals and develop individual marketing plans for each of them.
At the other extreme are utilities that offer a single service to all potential customers as if their expectations, needs and preferences were homogeneous.
common bases for segmenting the market are:
· demographic segmentation. Divide the market to form groups based on variables such as age, sex, family size, occupation and religion.
· Geo: Divide the market to form different geographical units such as nations, states or countries.
· Psychographic Segmentation: Divide shoppers to form groups based on social class, lifestyle or personality characteristics.
· behavior-based Segmentation: Divide shoppers to form groups based on knowledge, attitude, responses to applications or services.
• Development of profiles of resulting segments. Once identified segments, the development of their profiles is essential. For consumer markets such characterizations profiles include demographic, psychographic or segments for all uses.
Basic concepts and definitions of services marketing
Marketing covers all activities related to strategic planning of the business market and related organizational functions Sales, Customer Service, promotion and advertising
Marketing is used as the most common translation of the English word marketing, and there are others, such as markets or marketing policy, however, is often given to the concept of marketing a distinctive hue particular, identifying with it to the commercial, market, operational planning, tactical implementation of specific trade short-term objectives and the role logistics associated with the provision of goods and human resources for sales and sales thereof.
Strategic Marketing : It consists of the systematic and ongoing analysis of market needs, to develop profitable products, designed to meet requirements of specific segments with products equipped with distinctive attributes.
Marketing Operational: Yes Strategic Marketing is the study, "Business Management" is the practice, so the Operational Marketing is the "action." Results in the programming and implementation of "Strategic Marketing Plan" for the purpose of contacting the target market or target market, communicating the particular value of the product attributes, reporting on the characteristics of this and the company to "Position" both the product (within the range of offerings in the market) and the company (relative to its competitors).
Company: is hard or difficult action that commences firmly, with conviction or decision. Employer would therefore be the person who executes a works or operates a public service, and by grant and contract. Therefore, the concept is applicable to "any public or private organization, with or nonprofit, large or small."
Strategy: guide, course or business conduct basic pattern as the conception of the "Mission" and "Vision" that the company be given explicitly or implicitly, defined by the values, policies and procedures of the organization, guided by the objectives and targets is proposed, consisting of the key plans for achieving the objectives and work programs derivatives. However, the values, policies and procedures, objectives, goals, plans and programs must be such that maintaining the required internal consistency, clearly make known what kind of business the company is or wants to be, and what kind of company is or wants to be.
Consumer: Any operator is considered potential consumer, you just need to be given the right circumstances for this to happen or recognize what is required, when required and how and under what conditions could " buy. "
Client: consumer is a very special, as he has made or makes "shopping" in our company is or has been a user of our services and preferred and / or paid by them. Defined, therefore, with respect to a specific bidder. Not enough to have made a single purchase to be 'client' should be pursued reiteration.
Prospect: is a very particular consumer, as it meets all conditions or seemingly has all the features to be a customer, it's not even pro.
Market Potential: is constituted by the set of potential customers, who for some reason it is necessary to investigate not part of our current market (real or effective) however clarified the reasons it is possible to act on them and incorporate it into our market. The reasons may be lack of information, availability and geographic accessibility, price or terms of payment (total cost), perceived value or benefits sought, among other things.
Sample marketing of services (tourism service)
Summary of work
A universally acceptable definition of services so far not been achieved. From a marketing point of view of both goods and services provide benefits or satisfactions, both goods and services are products.
Many factors have influenced the growth of services such as family structure, employment levels, increased leisure time, etc. ..
The most common characteristics of services are intangibility, inseparability, heterogeneity, perecebilidad and property.
There are several types of customer benefit / company: benefits to Cliens, confidence benefits, social, special treatment etc.,
personal opinion
With this work I've noticed the importance of marketing in the services sector to meet the needs of consumers. But I feel good that many companies use ads to deceive somewhat important clientes.Es the client / company to obtain benefits of all kinds.
http://www.forobuscadores.com/marketing-servicios- Article.php
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