Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Nikon D80 Paparazi Camera


Introductory Notes

In recent days I held a meeting at the Institute of Biomedicine , to deal with the logistics of the problem of ethnic Warao, especially in the high infant mortality by chemical contaminants in the water pipes in his mouth in the Orinoco Delta , Edo. Delta Amacuro .

This meeting served to form the final group of both medical personnel, water experts, engineers and myself as driver to architect and experience in managing technical crude for obtaining and handling energy from wind, given the challenge imposed on us is to get health and maximum comfort with minimal resources in terms of technology engineering concerns, because they are insignificant.

has addressed issues pertaining to the collection of water for consumption as a factor leading to endemic disease, which has discussed the option of collecting systems Rainwater and treated by natural means to make it suitable for consumption, as rainfall in the area is high, another method would be by distillation, taking advantage of the high rate of evaporation and with the help of methane gas burners for Biodigestores , in addition to solving water problems served, would generate fuel gas for cooking, such as accelerators evaporator chamber water pipes.

is why the missionaries of the Consolata the Apostolic Vicariate Tucupita , Edo. Delta Amacuro , together with the Common Council of Nabasunaka , undertook the difficult task of creating an educational learning center, to minimize the major pollution problems affecting this important ethnic group in Venezuela.

was well received and expanded by the Institute of Biomedicine , who immediately contacted the agencies involved in WHO (World Health Organization), who are doomed to interest Institute counting among them UNESCO ( Organization United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and French foreign private companies who are working in our country, to acquire financial resources, as well of human contribution of the Central University of Venezuela and the Universidad Simón Bolívar Through to specialists, in order to solve this major problem that affects thousands of human beings and our main water source the country.

He has served as a special guide and collaborator, Josiah Father, a missionary who works with these communities for several years and knows the issues thoroughly, to obtain data health and the creation of teaching center that will named "School of Health, Skills for Life and Music of the Warao ."

This institution also serve educational purposes, will be closely linked to other activities, health and training of the new generation of leaders of communes Warao, comprising more problems that have been penetrating their communities by the modernized world, to ensure their survival as human beings first and second as ancient ethnic group that has survived from about 17,000 years.

In the play my part as a productive role is to design a building self-sustaining, which will be complemented by various activities relative to a common purpose, such as the health of the Warao peoples living in the streams, lakes and rivers Delta, with the use of local facilities and technology, through the inventive non-industrialized and knowledge of different educational areas related to population Warao.

addition to health problems, this school will provide direction to the rescue of life skills, that has been lost by transculturation that has invaded this community, also besides rescuing his musical inclinations, meetings for narrative stories of legends and fables that give character to their indigenous inhabitants.

will be taken into account some physical, consonant with the environment, which can be summarized as follows:

Architectural Considerations (Wet Tropics)
We conclude that the Delta area is an area clearly humid with high temperatures in the middle and extreme typical annual rainfall forest tropical.

The use of materials in the area and in remote Indian villages to towns, agrees to the use of wood and clay, abundant materials in the area par excellence and which should predominate open spaces to facilitate cross-ventilation in the rooms to counteract the excessive moisture in that area, so the internal spaces should be in as much as possible, high and mixed enclosures that allow the passage of air and to open fully to the environment or external environment.

roofs should have steep slope to drain rain water as soon as possible, and avoid that solar rays impinge on achieving total surface areas in shadow, reducing the thermal load on the structure and therefore less heat to the inner enclosure of the building. Similarly
to use large eaves around the building to protect from rain materials displayed on its walls, and produce shadows that minimize solar impact on the walls.

should ensure the passing of air to all corners of the structure, treating the environment at different levels and flexible walls of the direction changes at certain times when required.

dry to ensure a building must be isolated from ground floor in the case to be built on solid ground and remove as much as possible in the water-bearing zones of the commonly called stilts.

As is well known in the types of buildings to house indigenous people know that their habits in their daily is outdoors and that freedom must be respected at all times and in all business carried out , which is why the constructions have to be defined for any activity, be as transparent as possible, that is always the contact with nature, do not feel embarrassed or retained between walls that separate it from its environment. This is essential to succeed in the tasks that have to develop learn or improve their quality of life.

Another aspect is the careful choice of materials is also fundamental to the psychological impact that is used and so any introduction of new materials unknown to them, must be presented tentatively combined with materials that are used visually. Jungle

Deltana offers endless building blocks that can be used in a cosmetically acceptable, such as the use of wood for the structure of enclosures and accessories, palm leaf treated and worked for partitions, separators, and setters of environments or reserved, the use of mud plastered exterior walls that need some security, as well as for the treatment of floors and other facilities that require it.

That's why a work architecturally speaking must comply with certain rules in accordance to the site will latch to ensure the success of its internal functions and generate the spaces according to the activities to be performed and the interrelationship between them to is the core of engranante within any community in its daily development of specific activities as a key figure in the development of the town as productive community. SPECIFIC

As project pilot can be repeated in other forested communities and elsewhere in our territory with small changes. The education unit should be seen as an established and labeled for easy handling, so that parts can be classified by separate pieces that make up a kit elements as parts of a puzzle, most manufacturing site , with local materials where possible and minimize the use of industrial elements that make transportation costs in its unprofitable investment, which could be assigned to other uses such as in medicine for these villages.

related basic services these, such as collecting water unfit for consumption should also specify designs and standardized established in terms of materials used.

The disposal of wastewater with the use of Biodigestores , which can provide electricity to help other activities such as obtaining methane gas, which also serve as cooking fuel, to be used for distillation of these contaminated waters of the delta in times of drought long as a palliative for times of scarcity . And the use of sewage sludge as fertilizer to some vegetables and tubers, which can be a source of consumption among its residents.

In order that this center will become the engine of a series of links that together make up the chain of progress and health of a community that has been declining for industrial progress and it is necessary to preserve both as individuals, as part of our ancestral history and ethnic mixture.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Bay Showerflower Decorations Ideas

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once I set the parameters and purpose of the Center proceeded to form virtually the birth of what might be called the prototype building, whose task will to prepare future population of Warao for survival and address and improve conditions of life that currently.

is why below I present the first attempt at the Health Center; SKILLS FOR LIFE AND MUSIC , to be located in the town of Nabasanuka , Manuel Renaud Parish, Township Antonio Diaz the Edo . Delta Amacuro .

is a medium-level building, which forms a half high level and in total, arranged in such a way that ensures a climate agreement with the environment, besides providing transparency in the various activities performed therein, ensuring continuous monitoring in all areas allowing visual and physical freedom of the Indians there attending the natural habitat, thus transforming a Janoko familiarly known.

The first level or at dock, so named because this area will be used as mixed-use, since the structure can be placed both on land and in water-bearing zone or into the water and hence the name spring level, this area in addition to serving on arrival, can be used as workshop class, improvised hammocks bedroom, dining and other uses of meeting in accordance with the flexible programming of the center.

Once you reach this level we are in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe building with an open space for three half levels, which we can immediately identify the center's activities. Mid-level rising, we reached the soul of the building such as classrooms, including a large multipurpose room, which can be divided as required, with separations flexible and light, to form small or large classrooms and workshops.

Going up another half level, we find the Office of the center, able to have two executive desks and a conference table for four people, plus shelves and file. Continuing along the corridor are the health of both men and a lady like shower area, for those teachers who stay in place.

At that level there is the library. Small space to provide support to students attending and bound small center of its publications as a reward for their skills.

This corridor of communication at this level extends to both ends of the building, as it can serve as a bridge to link with the community, because most of the villages, use this type of pile-type movement, which integrate more with the community Center.

Going up another half level, the last bone, which conform floor and a half, we reached the rest area of Teachers, which includes two rooms for three beds each and a sitting area, TV for rest and passive activity.

entire building will be built in wood, which abounds in the area, minus the foundation structure between water and air, which will drain water-resistant concrete with submerged mangrove pilotines. This will hold a reforestation plan for the native species that exceeds the percentage of used materials from local sawmills and exploitation supported and guided by the relevant authorities. The closings will

based romanilla of artisans and swing, to ensure wide-open spaces and ventilated, allowing air to pass through light and integration with the surrounding area. Offenders will be mixed or partition romanilla light, privacy as required.

spaces will be high, so that the hot mass product of the student population, without compromising the internal enclosures and can escape easily due to the large openings at its highest .

This building is designed in addition to technology services they are, to be self-sufficient and be a pioneer in harvesting rainwater and forwarded to both filtered (primary and final - see rainwater) and the provision required the locals having to produce over this building, by extension of their roofs collection, as there is a project of potable water by the governmental entity, another point is to dispose of wastewater to Biodigestores final collection and treatment through plantations of Bora-Bora, plant abundant water in the area that serves as a final filter to finally return treated water. The solids generated are stored, so that complete the implementation of anaerobic decomposition effect, which will result in a final material rich in nutrients for growing vegetables and tubers in the place, besides being able to take advantage of this decomposition gases (methane gas) as fuel for stoves, evaporators water pipes to make them suitable for consumption by rural mechanisms, simple and low maintenance.

Finally will be the first prototype of a fully adaptable to the environment building and classified each of its parts so it can be crowded as a kit, according to the number of students to attend and therefore as an infrastructure to support other activities health grounds that may contribute to the welfare of the population, as the main north Institute of Biomedicine.