Discuss concerns a very complex and its essence is in construction, building, comprising undoubtedly an infinite number of variables that measure these are resolved satisfactorily and quantitatively we can talk about architecture as a result.
Since the beginning of the appearance of man, this has been the need to always be protected from inclement weather and get your own individuality, though at first they lived in communes, as the passage of time has been more reserved and that is why from the beginning, man has been transforming its housing in conjunction with their surroundings and their environment by introducing elements of inventiveness to the solution of comfort and wellbeing as it has evolved as being.
Today it is extremely important from an economic point of view able to build our building because it depends on the cost of future maintenance of our investment and non-use of expensive solutions that can be overcome by good design and use the up the environment.
That's why these articles are about to release a collected fraction of what the man with few resources and always focused on their environment has earned it. The material necessary, so solving the problems sometimes surprising which are presented in a simple and very natural especially with simple things that technology has taken to refine and mass produce it, sometimes disproportionately and misleadingly marketed in places where would be implemented.
briefly describe the different types of environments that exist in our tropics, and how the man was taken to them for housing solutions and community with information necessary for their comfort, away from the progress that the new technology has made available , which is not the idea but rather knowing where all these elements came to us serve as a genius for the solution of others to come to perfect over the complex world of variables acting on good architecture.
architecture also is not an individual but is linked to other variables within their environment known urbanism, because man is a gregarious animal, is a coexistence, community, are used to share with others sharing their environment functions of a community closely connected in their work and therefore as a whole should prevail throughout the balance and perfect fit of parts to function as a large cell capable of growing and developing towards perfection is the goal of all individual and Thus the first rule of nature.
will see examples of community interaction and simple rules that should be considered for healthy development among communities, always having as the greatest respect for their environment and taking advantage of a properly the elements that can give us.
catalog may be a utopia, but the only way the cell can function sanely and will persist so long because otherwise you can apply that old Chinese proverb " Make your plant to flower because it can be confused with the herb and any skew time ... "