The American Sylvestre
Howard Roper (1823-1896) invented a two-cylinder steam (coal driven) in 1867. This can be considered the first motorcycle, if it allows the description of a motorcycle includes a steam engine.
Replica of the Daimler-Maybach Reitwagen.
Wilhelm Maybach and Gottlieb Daimler built a bike with table and four wooden wheels and internal combustion engine in 1885. His speed was 18 km / h the engine develops 0.5 hp.
Gottlieb Daimler used a new engine invented by engineer Nikolaus August Otto. Otto invented the first internal combustion engine four-stroke in 1876. He called it "Otto Cycle Engine" and as soon as completed, Daimler (a former employee of Otto) made him a motorcycle that some historians consider the first in history. In 1894 Hildebrand and Wolfmüller presented in Munich's first mass-produced motorcycle and light commercial. The Wolfmüller Hildebrand and remained in production until 1897.Los Russian brothers settled in Eugene and Michel Werner Paris mounted an engine on a bicycle. The initial model with the engine on the front wheel began manufacturing in 1897.
In 1902 he invented the scooter (scooter comes from the English), also known as car seat, by Frenchman Georges Gauthier. The scooter is a motorcycle munida a security dashboard. It was built in 1914. He had a great popularity, especially among youth. It consists of two wheels of small diameter and an open box that allows the driver instead of sitting astride. It also contains a body that protects all existing mechanisms, and provides a small storage space small objects and a spare wheel. These vehicles are urban, but you can also make long trips. What stands out in this type of bikes is the driving comfort and ease of driving, and not the development of high speeds.
Motorcycle with sidecar.
sidecar appeared in 1910, a car with a wheel that is attached to lateral side of the motorcycle. It consists of a frame (single wheel) and a body that protects the passenger. Motorcycle drag, becomes a tricycle and his leadership is controlled by handlebars, failing to execute the swing. Had appeared years earlier, but bikes and proliferation vehicle called "utility" has virtually disappeared from circulation.
After returning from World War II (1945), U.S. soldiers seemed dissatisfied with the motorcycles that were built by Harley-Davidson and Indian. The bikes they had rode in Europe were lighter and more fun to drive. These vets started to hang out with other ex-soldiers to relive some of the camaraderie they had felt in the service. These groups realized that their motorcycles needed changes that Harley was not providing. Thus was born the Custom Motorcycle. Operation
is normally powered
by a gasoline engine two or four times, but there are electric models that transmit power to the rear wheel via the secondary transmission (chain, driveshaft or belt.) Conduction takes place through the articulation of the front wheel (which rotates about a vertical axis) controlled by a handle on which are installed the devices necessary to control the motorcycle levers brakes, clutch switches lights, etc.
The chassis, which can be single, double cradle, trellis, pressed sheet metal, twin-spar, monocoque, etc, is usually preferably constructed of steel or aluminum, in cases rare in magnesium, carbon or titanium. The stiffness and chassis geometry is vital for stability. Normally the stiffness is a function of engine power and dynamic characteristics. Most motorcycles are equipped with suspensions, in order to keep the wheels in contact with the ground as long as possible to pass through irregularities and increase comfort.
brakes are essential to stop the motorcycle. Are usually anchored to the tires and are powered by a lever on the handlebars or the foot. They are of two types: drum and disk. The drum brake consists of five parts:
* * brake shoe pads Springs
* * * Guaya
Drum brake rod or
disc brakes have been gaining ground in the motorcycle total distributed, being more effective and better dissipate the heat generated under braking. Drum brakes are unique, because if one of its parts malfunctions, the band makes sounds as if they were screaming, stop when the motorcycle.
The "Dodge Tomahawk" reaches the 675 km per hour. Some motorcycles have
fairing, which aims to protect the driver from wind and promote high for improved aerodynamics. When the springs are released, the motorcycle begins to "stop over" and there is a high risk for driving, because the moment you need all the power of the braking of the motorcycle, it will not be able to respond as desired. Generally have gear that is controlled by a handlebar grips or a foot operated lever.
The motorcycle stays upright in straight and curved maintaining stability through the gyroscopic effect of wheels. The wheel diameter can range from 21 "all-terrain bikes or enduro and 8" mini-motorbikes, and a width of 5 cm up to 210 mm, the most important difference compared to other vehicles is the power to weight ratio, this characteristic to Motorcycle acceleration and braking hard to overcome by more efficient cars.
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