Physics and its use in construction In this section We will report the observational inventive called "trial and error" that the country people, without any theoretical knowledge been put into operation the laws of physics to their advantage and resolve with simple tricks and no problems in methodology working their daily work, necessity and welfare, with only observation and testing.
These examples that I will be introducing a number of articles have been collected from various cultures and people with one common denominator. The studies have not or financial means to acquire technology that facilitates daily work.
That is why I put in the hands of all, taking advantage of one form or another we all have access now to the largest library in the world as complex as the Internet. So I hope these small items in addition to solve everyday problems in the everyday, and I was surprised capacity inventive we humans when we feel pressured in some way or another to solve a problem, only with hands and a few utensils. It was worth saving three lives in 1970 when the Apollo 13 ran out of oxygen and had to build a filter CO 2 to extend the stay in space the astronauts had to endure.
Rainwater is a resource that has not historically been given the attention it deserves because of the ease with which we are used to obtain , by simply opening a stream in our cities. Only more people away from population centers understand the need as an important factor in their lives and therefore has the greatest care not to waste it and give it a streamlined use their daily needs. Today
modernity and the rapidly growing population has made substantial changes in climate, due to the continued pollution of our planet, which places it rained forever, are now turning into deserts and areas where rainfall was low, now suffering from floods.
Every day is going after adding to the lack of water in densely populated areas, so it is necessarily essential rainwater catchment, storage and distribution needs fair when dry spells occur in a given period, as we have known has been increasing year after year with periods untimely heavy rains in times where rainfall would diminish. But the trend higher than that of the prolonged drought, which even in the middle of century XXI human beings are dying for lack of water under the indolent gaze of all of us.
Rainwater went into the background and reserved almost exclusively to very specific sections of human settlements in the most remote corners of our nation.
Today, despite the availability of modern pipelines and water purification has regained importance in recent years the collection of rainwater. The gradual depopulation of the northern Venezuela is starting to cause a greater demand, without being aware of what is happening. And that we see almost daily by the press, people claiming the service of the precious liquid that we were not able to care.
The increase of this demand is growing exponentially and we recover the habit of taking advantage of rainwater.
is why in this article we will present inventive ways human being the subject of collection, storage and disposal of rainwater for human consumption.
Rainwater has a number of advantageous features we can mention three of them below:
a. "It's an extremely clean water compared to other sources of fresh water available. B.
essentially is a resource-free and fully independent of the usual supply companies. C.
-Accurate quite simple infrastructure for collection, storage and distribution.
Paso prior to capture rainwater or storm water study required a minimum the approach we're going to do. It is important to know the historical rainfall in the area and our catchment area, for the amount of water that collect in this way we hope at any given time.
This can properly size the tank, either tank, tank, tanks, etc. we are using.
In Venezuela, unfortunately, is difficult to obtain rainfall data despite having the technology available today and many times even know of the latest rainfall data, as evidenced in the events of December 1999.
Now we know that weather conditions in Venezuela have changed significantly, in addition to any periods that are out of all normal cyclical behavior, we must do the test of trial and error basis of the data and adjust the annual performance of the rains in the region. If it is possible to carry even a record of the days it rains and the duration as well as placing a dry container each time you start a shower (and later explain how to calculate the rainfall rurally taken that We serve as an indicator for future calculations vital collection and storage of liquid). Collection
The way most suitable to collect rain water, is in our ceiling, which must be a surface as smooth as possible, with inclination pronounced enough that facilitate rapid runoff to the collection site.
It will contain all collection channels along the catchment area and channeled through pipes to the primary filter or first filter to discard the first few minutes of collection due to impurities that float in the air and on the roof or catchment area, such as dust, chemical particles floating in the atmosphere , etc.
After this first simple mechanical filter and drive the rest of the rainfall per container collection or storage tank before being treated for any bacteria that might be on its way from the surface, being unfit for human consumption in its different forms.
Primary Filter
As we know all surfaces exposed to weather is subject to contamination in the present case by faeces or urine of animals dry dust, which by its location on the roof collectors for washing is difficult, so we turned to a nifty little invention called primary filter which consists of a closed chamber is nothing if not a pipe heavier gauge studs the water which is below the water inlet to the tank and which is introduced into a ball plastic is a little older and the smaller diameter pipe, the kind that sell for anime piƱatas or allowing the closure of the holes in the connections between this camera once the recipient of the first water is saturated or ullage as we can see the picture below.
The first few minutes of rain, will somehow wash the entire collecting surface water and bring these to a separate container which can be a drum or casks Plastic 80 or 90 liters, sealed with a wrench or discharge device at its lowest allowing sewage drain when the rain stopped.
Once the casks are filled inn or the law of communicating vessels the water level will rise the tube at the same level as the water deposited in our filter down to the connection or reduction of it, making the ball introduced inside float to cover the water inlet and divert the water receiving tank to be used by the connection system used in the schedule shown below.